Atomic Radius

1.0 nanosecond (10-9 second) equals 0.299792458 meters (= 0.9835710564304 foot).

          - - - - scale disparity of the order of 1010 - - - -

100 Picometer = 1 Angstrom = 0.1 Nanometer = 10-10 Meter

100 Picometer = 1 Angstrom = 0.1 Nanometer = 10-10 Meter

100 Picometer = 1 Angstrom = 0.1 Nanometer = 10-10 Meter

Classical Scale vs Quantum Scale

The boundary between these two realms is the subject of active research. At best it will turn out to be a smooth analytical function of Time-Space.

However Most likely : The boundary will be “fuzzy” id est situationally dependent — discoverable only by extensive experimentation. No simple analytical function will emerge to “Save The Day”.

0.29979 meter equals 10-9 second

Well within the realm of classical processes. Quantum Transport — — “fuhgeddaboudit”.

0.29979 Angstrom equals 10-19 second

Well within the realm of quantum processes. Quantum Transport — happens — all the time.